Founder of SOULBODY BREATH™, Master Energy Coach, Podcast Host and Expert in Transformation.

Everything changed when I became devotional to my expansion and started to live a full life. On my terms.

The constant narrative running through my body when I worked in corporate was “if I just do this one more thing, then I’ll have more time”. I was ruled by the to-do list that just continued to grow. I didn’t know what it felt like to be in my body. My life was lead by my mind (and my ego!). I chased the corporate ladder climb, and never stopped to ask myself why or if it was really what I desired in my life.

That is until 2018 when Spirit made me stop with a massive burnout that changed the trajectory of my life.

I was experiencing panic attacks, anxiety, depression, diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder, stomach issues, migraines, cognitive issues, hormonal imbalance and a dysregulated nervous system that had been operating in a stress state for a very long time.

It took me 2 more years before I actually started. I had been applying my high achiever approach to my healing: I was leading with my head and from an energy of getting & chasing, instead of surrender and allowing.

Once I figured this out, things began to shift for me.

I know who I am, I know what I desire and I know what I will and will not accept in my life. And all of this work has lead me here, to you. It ignited the fire within me and my soul to support other women who feel like they have to do it all and do it all alone to claim their authentic expression and open to receive their deepest most delicious desires.

My nervous system was the gateway to truly healing my body. Learning the language of my Body's Intelligence and leading with my Heart is what revealed my fullest, most unique expression.

Looking back, it was such a pivotal part of my story to truly unlearn the un-serving patterns and fully claim freedom from the prison of my mind.

Because here’s the thing…you can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts and spend thousands on memberships, retreats, courses and healing modalities. You an be the most knowledgable woman in the neuroscience, the quantum field and manifestation…

…but knowledge stays in the realms of the mind and can only take you so far. True wisdom must be felt in the body, and if you desire lasting transformation, you have to embody that wisdom on a cellular level.

My journey was an initiation into the level of leadership and strength, and depths of devotion I needed to EMBODY for my service.

I realised I had been lying to myself about how my life really was...

I had to get radically honest with myself and take radical responsibility for my health, wealth and happiness.

I had to face my fears with compassion and curiosity, and do the brave work of looking at my shadows.

I had to take back my power and break the good girl paradigm that was keeping me playing small and giving my power away for external validation, approval and permission.

I had to lean in to deeper levels of self love that became a way of living instead of a 'check' off the to-do list.

I had to start intentionally connecting with my guides, listening to my intuition and plug back in to my connection with Source.

I had to remember why my soul chose to come here to the planet at this time, and start taking action in full trust of my soul's path.


Embodied Presence, Heart Leadership and Body-based Living.

When you lead with the mind and are bound by rule book and the to-do list, your attention is always focused on something outside of you. You unintentionally give your power away to the external world, instead of focusing inward. A prisoner to the rules of society and how deems you "should" be doing life.


...fear, self-doubt, self-criticism, feeling inadequate, comparisonitis, people pleasing, perfectionism, procrastination, the anxious pull towards hustle culture, burnout and exhaustion.

You get caught in self-sabotage and nervous system patterns that keep you repeating the same cycles.

That is, until you make the choice to dive deep within and connect with the energy of your True Self. A choice that you get to make in every single moment. Embodying your soul's purpose and higher self wisdom cannot be taught to you through Instagram-therapy, books, podcasts or masterclasses.

You need to experience it…

…and that comes through bravely stepping into the uncomfortable and facing your perceived limitations and fears.

To give them space to be heard and accepted, but not to lead your life.

You need to energetically transmute old ways of what you believe is available to you, and expand your nervous system capacity to receive more of what you desire in a way that feels safe in your body.

To come to know, feel, behave and be the authentic expressions that are rooted in who you are on a soul level.

And to make your spiritual embodiment a priority in your life if transformation is what you really desire.


I'M HERE AS PART OF THE GROUP OF conscious leaders THAT ARE creating a new paradigm OF HEART-LEADERSHIP FOR THE new earth.

You deserve something more than what you’ve experienced so far. A life full of excitement, pleasure, peace and ease.  One where you listen and lead from your intuition and trust your body to guide you.

Imagine falling in love with who you really are and sharing your magic and Light with the world, unapologetically! A paradigm where your spiritual practices become your priority, you put your needs first and embodied devotional discipline to truly stay connected with the life your soul yearns for.

What if you stopped looking outside of yourself for answers or seeking external validation, and brought your loving gaze inwards? And accepted all parts of you…even the ones that seem messy, uncomfortable or ‘bad’?

There’s a new narrative waiting for you to write it. One where you’re activated in your power and embodied in your Truth.

It’s waiting for you to claim and inhabit it.

It's in integrity for me to be qualified to support your transformation. That's why I continue my professional training and education as your coach.

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I strongly believe in credible trainings and certifications in the coaching industry, and sharpening my skills as your coach to be able to safely and sustainably guide you to reach your goals. As well as investing in my personal and spiritual growth to be able to truly embody my best self and show up for my clients.

I’ve also deeply studied the works of Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton. As well as somatic work, the nervous system, the transformational process, manifestation and energy.

Trainings & Certifications

With Heart™ Energy Coaching (2022)

ICF accredited

The Created Coach Method (2019)

NLP, clinical hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, life coaching

ICF accredited

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (2020)

Ashtanga & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (2020)

Arogya Yoga (yoga therapy) (2020)